Archive of posts from October 2018

What Have you Containerized Today?

I was listening to the Architech podcast.  There was a question asked, ”Does everything today tie back to Kubernetes?”   The more general version of the question is, “Does everything today tie back to containers?”.    The answer is quickly becoming yes.    Something Google figured out years ago with its environment that everything was containerized is becoming mainstream.

To support this  Amazon now has 3 different Container technologies and one in the works.

ECS which is Amazon’s first container offering.    ECS is container orchestration which supports Docker containers.    

Fairgate ECS which is managed offering of ECS where all you do is deploy Docker images and AWS owns full management.  More exciting is that  Fairgate for EKS has been announced and pending release.  This will be a fully managed Kubernetes.    

EKS is the latest offering which was GA’d in June.   This is a fully managed control plane for Kubernetes.   The worker nodes are EC2 instances you manage, which can run an Amazon Linux AMI or one you create.

Lately, I’ve been exploring EKS so that will be the next blog article, how to get started on EKS.

In the meantime, what have you containerized today?

I was listening to the Architech podcast.  There was a question asked, ”Does everything today tie back to Kubernetes?”   The more general version of the question is, “Does everything today tie back to containers?”.    The answer is quickly becoming yes.    Something Google figured out years ago with its...